Cyber, Fraud & Data Protection, in the era of Digital Transformation
A unique opportunity to hear insight from industry experts across a range of sectors
Topics include:
- Combating and Exposing Fraud – How to protect your brand
- The Evolution of Cloud Computing
- The Internet of Things – Benefits and pitfalls
- Showcasing the latest in Fraud Management & Enterprise Threat Detection
- How to Build a GRC Business Case – Quantifying a Return on Investment
- Laws, Regulations and Trends (including Liability and Penalties) in General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Who Should Attend:
Primarily individuals working in large-medium sized organisations in the following type roles
- Audit, Security, Compliance, Fraud, Risk Directors
- Information Security and other Senior Executives (CISO, CIO etc)
- Seeking a better understanding of GRC, Cyber-Attacks, Fraud and Threats
- Those considering a Cloud strategy
- Those looking to integrate their Governance, Risk and Compliance departments
(Please note, places are limited, this event is not suitable for independent IT consultants or consulting firms)
Registration deadline is 19 October 2016
Parts of this event will be recorded for promotional and educational purposes. Attending this event confirms your agreement to appear in possible broadcasts of the event on various public media platforms.
Are you up to date?
A typical organisation loses 5% of revenue each year to fraud, corresponding to annual costs exceeding $3.5 trillion worldwide.
In 2011, the DETICA Report stated that £27 billion was the estimated cost of cyber-crime in the UK.
By 2015, the British insurance company Lloyd’s estimated that cyber-attacks cost businesses as much as $400 billion a year, which included direct damage plus post-attack disruption to the normal course of business.
Only 1 in 10 organisations are confident they have adequate tools, technologies and processes to manage current compliance, risk and security obligations, let alone future challenges.
Amid rising pressures to deliver value while adapting quickly to change, companies need to act swiftly, yet still protect themselves from fraud and cyber-attacks.
Synopsis of talks
Steve Hewison – Welcome and Kick off
Steve will be launching the event with his views on today’s landscape of Fraud and Cyber-Attacks.
- Trends that are dramatically reshaping the economy
- Digital Transformation – Consequences of the Mega Trends
- Enterprise Risk v Rewards
Jan Ziskasen – Technology Trends
Jan has lived and breathed technology over several decades and across multiple continents.
- A journey through the evolution of technology, from the beginning of the computers age, to the present day and beyond.
- Expect some lively and highly interactive elements!
Frank Staelens – How to Asses Compliance & Remain Compliant
More regulations, more strong regulators, more regulated countries and more regulated sectors. Over a 30 years career in risk, compliance and forensic audits, Frank has seen most things.
- Technology drivers
- Remaining compliant, in today’s complex business environments
- Remaining compliant, in tomorrow’s complex business environments!
Neil Patrick – Fraud & Cyber Detection and Prevention by SAP
With ever-increasing instances of cyber-crime being reported, Neil will be showcasing the very latest detection strategies and capabilities from SAP Fraud Management.
- Fraud Types
- Complacency, Trends
- Vertical Specialisations
- Detection Strategies
- Adaptive Learning
Andrew Sawyer – Combatting Fraud & Building a GRC Business Case
Andrew will be discussing the many challenges around detection of both Fraud and Cyber Attacks.
- Looking at Fraud detection patterns
- Real time payment monitoring
- How organisations can build a robust business case for GRC solutions with quantifiable ROI
Lorenzo Squellati – The Evolution of Cloud Computing
Cloud is a relatively new term, or is it? Lorenzo will share his thoughts, highlighting both benefits and pitfalls of companies moving “to the cloud.”
Roadmap to the Cloud
- How do we chose between Private, Public and Hybrid Cloud?
- When is the best time to move to the Cloud?
- Sharing Case Studies
Andrew Sawyer – Protecting your organisation – its Brand, Data & Assets
What’s been the tangible impact to organisations who have been hacked or lost data? Andrew will provide both European and American perspectives.
What are the Building Blocks to successful Governance, to safeguarding your systems and your company’s reputation?
- Are your systems protected from outside attacks?
- What more could you do?
Paul Hammersley – Understanding GDPR
Businesses have less than two years to prepare for the changes that will come with the introduction of GDPR. Paul will be setting the scene for the afternoon’s focus on GDPR.
- GDPR background
- How it came about
- Timing and requirements
- How can organisations best prepare?
Dirk De Maeseneer – Liability & Penalties in GDPR
Hackers stole information associated with at least 500 million Yahoo user accounts. This data breach is the largest discovered in the history of the Internet, yet it was only publicly disclosed by Yahoo two years after the fact. In recent weeks, TalkTalk has been fined by the ICO for security failings, allowing a cyber-attacker to access customer data “with ease”.
- Dirk will be providing a European perspective on GDPR and the latest new headlines.
- Looking in-depth at the reporting of data losses and the potential for fines.
Mark Gleeson – Post Brexit – UK Legal Perspectives
Brexit has happened; well, it seems it’s going to happen, but quite when – we’ll have to wait and see. Mark will consider the implications for UK-based organisations from a GDPR perspective, those with and without international business.
- Has Brexit actually changed anything ?
- Can we all breathe a sigh of relief?