Data in Digital Transformation
When you’re stuck at home, you can’t help but examine your surroundings – and wonder how you can improve them.
Over the lockdown period of the COVID-19 crisis, many people attempted home improvement projects: DIY, room redesign, not to mention clear-outs. How many of us are coming out of this period with bags and bags to donate to a charity shop or a shelter down the line?
Clutter piles up
It’s amazing how much stuff can be accumulated over the years. Alongside the important paperwork and precious memories, there’s old Filofaxes/Day-timers and business cards, board games and jigsaws with missing pieces, clothes long outgrown… Getting rid of those surplus items can quickly make your living space more functional.
Just like our belongings at home, businesses accumulate data over the years; and just like the clutter at home, business data can be out of date, irrelevant, no longer of value etc.
At least when you’re clearing out a house, there is a set number of places things can be stored – you know where to look, you know where you’re likely to find clutter. When it comes to locating data in a company, it’s not always as straightforward.
A business’s data can be in many forms – structured (e.g. databases) or unstructured (e.g. documents or emails) – and in many places (e.g. apps, directories, databases, cloud, emails, etc.). And that’s just the data you know about…
Know your data
Digital Transformation is about using your data and making the most of digital technologies to improve your business processes – increase efficiencies, optimisation, improved Customer Experience (CX) and more. Implicit in this transformation is that the data informing your decisions is current and relevant; it may be possible to delete data with little or no business value (depending on data retention periods). To revisit the house clear-out analogy, you wouldn’t move to a new house and bring along your old Filofaxes/Day-timers, business cards, and outgrown clothes, would you?
Once you’re confident that the data your organisation holds is necessary, meaningful & valuable, you can use that data to inform business decisions with confidence – across CX, productivity etc.
But how can you easily locate data if you don’t even know that your organisation holds it?
BigID for Data Strategy/Management
What if there was a single tool to help organisations find, map, correlate and classify all types of data, in any language – structured, unstructured, big data, cloud and apps?
Big ID is a tool which leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to integrate with solutions across your organisation and provide complete visibility of data across your entire enterprise landscape. The solution presents the user with a data inventory so you can see its different attributes and where it resides – allowing you to determine its value and secure it where necessary.
Visit our Transformation page to find out more about BigID, and how the solution can enable your digital, HR and finance transformation projects and support data protection in parallel.