Access Control: SP19 is Here!

By Andrew Sawyer, Chief Operations Officer

On the 23rd of October, we received the news those of us who work within SAP Access Risk & Provisioning have been waiting for. That’s right – SAP have released Support Pack 19 for Access Control 10.1 (cue the trumpets)! Among the many released notes, the highlight of this Support Pack provides the much-requested new functionality that AC10.1 (on SP19) can now be DEEPLY integrated with SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central. This is something that companies using SuccessFactors have been crying out for as they migrate from the traditional HCM system to SAP SuccessFactors. It certainly answers a question I have been asked on numerous occasions throughout 2017.

So, what does this mean? Firstly, you will want to ensure that your AC10.1 is already upgraded to SP18 (if not, then check out the previous master release note 2448830). Once you are ready to upgrade to SP19, this new version provides far greater integration with SuccessFactors, allowing the following scenarios to be operationally possible:

• HR Trigger using SAP Cloud Platform
• User provisioning to SAP SuccessFactors
• Access risk analysis

There have been updates to AC10.1 in the past to integrate with SuccessFactors, but this release is far more comprehensive, providing much greater functionality. Details of the previously released note can be found in SAP note – 2425831.

Within the released notes, SAP have provided the details of how to configure and enable the integration between AC and SF. This primarily showcases the process from setting-up the relevant system connectors to completing the synchronisation between the two systems. You can see the full details held within SAP note – 2538932.

This comprehensive functionality enhancement for SuccessFactors is included on top of the usual plethora of performance updates and bug fixes, with all the details listed within the SAP Master note for AC10.1 SP19 – 2494105.

Over the next months, I will be looking forward to engaging with Winterhawk’s customer base and drawing up plans to upgrade and make use of this fantastic new functionality release.