SAP Risk Management

Business Challenges

Companies struggle to manage IT, operational, and strategic risks in an integrated way.
Board members are demanding more information from security and risk management leaders about integrated risk management.

Cost – Historically with SAP, you first have the license cost, and then, a potentially large expenditure on the deployment, as well as needing to become solution experts to support post implementation. Winterhawk have removed the entire capital expenditure aspect, providing a free deployment of SAP Risk Management with a then ongoing support service tailored to the size of your organization.

Solution Value

Gain value by providing insight into value-adding risks
Define and configure your business value drivers
Identify and configure the activities that create that value
Provide insight into how risks and controls can be optimized to meet strategic objectives

Minimize and eradicate unnecessary losses
Define and configure critical non-value-adding supporting activities and compliance activities
Identify and manage risks that can result in unnecessary losses
Balance acceptable residual risk with the cost of control and compliance

Scan for emerging risks
Continuously survey and assess emerging risks and opportunities
Continuously monitor risk levels, risk drivers, and risk indicators
Integrate risk management with control, compliance, and audit management


Available either On Premise (client hosted – perpetual license) or via Cloud for Risk Management (SAP hosted – subscription license).

Solution Insight




Click the thumbnail to read Winterhawk’s History of
SAP Solutions: Risk Management
 or watch our solution overview video.

Features of SAP Risk Management

Objectives of SAP Risk Management:

  • Create one view of risk for the business (supports a Zero Trust Security approach)
  • Prioritise strategy and decision making to increase performance
  • Focus on identifying key risks
  • Respond to compliance, regulatory, financial and operational risks
  • Identify emerging risks
  • Ensure risk information is up-to-date, update risk assessments, link to risk responses
  • Monitor issues and loss events
  • Act on emerging issues and events
  • Adjust risk levels to risk appetite
  • Adjust risk responses to risk levels and appetite
  • Act on alerts and issues

Preserve and grow business value

Get detailed insight into how risk drivers can impact your business value and reputation – with SAP Risk Management software. The powerful ERM tools support risk identification, assessment, analysis, and monitoring. Track key risk indicators (KRIs), align risk events with their potential consequences – and make responsible and defensible risk-aware decisions.

Functional Capabilities

  • Risk strategy and planning: Define risk-relevant business activities, set up your organisational risk hierarchy, and assign risk appetite, risk owners, and responsibilities. Develop risk libraries to structure and report on risk assessment results – and define your KRI framework to automate risk monitoring.
  • Risk identification: Document the potential root causes and consequence of risks – and identify the relationship between risks and events. Capabilities include: defining survey questions, documenting activities, proposing risks, and documenting risks and opportunities.
  • Risk analysis: Run quantitative and qualitative risk analysis to determine the likelihood of occurrence and the potential impact of identified risks. Capabilities include: conducting assessments, building risk scenarios, scenario analysis, performing Monte Carlo simulations, risk response, and documenting responses and enhancement plans.
  • Risk monitoring: Analyse and report on your company’s risk situation. Capabilities include: documenting incidents and losses for risk events.

Technical Capabilities

SAP Risk Management includes enterprise risk content and tools for industry-specific operational risk management.

  • Graphical View: Supports creation and analysis of risks using graphical view
  • Data Monitoring: Monitor application data from internal and external systems in real time
  • Workflow: Use workflow to automate processes

Automated monitoring:

  • CCM library: Automated continuous controls monitoring
  • KRI library: KRIs organised by risk drivers, risk categories, and industries

Winterhawk Insights

Gary Kirkwood
SAP Risk Management Specialist



“Zero Trust Security is a now commonly used phrase referring to organisations providing secure access to corporate resources via continuous assessments of polices and controls.

SAP Risk Management does what it says on the tin – it provides a central platform to assess and document operational risk. Clients ask us how to make a business case for purchasing it.

In answer, what we’ve seen, and documented in case studies, is that quantifiable benefits are derived by eliminating costly duplication of control assessments and reducing very manual human effort required in control assessment (where Robotic Process Automation (RPA), for example, can be leveraged). Further benefits come from increased reporting accountability, enhanced coordination and significantly enhancing collaboration across business functions; we’ve also seen greater user satisfaction generating buy-in and with that, timely completion of assessments (less follow ups).”


We offer a free deployment of SAP Risk Management (Yes, free) as part of our SAP Risk Management as a Service.

See Below for details.


That’s entirely up to the customer. Winterhawk does not offer or provide Hosting Services (however we have many partners around who can help should that be desired). So whether you want to be On-Premise, Public Cloud or Private Cloud – that’s entirely up to you the customer. Our implementation is Free regardless and not in any way predicated on your hosting choice.


Custom Dashboards (see left), Regulatory, Financial and Cyber content libraries, Robotics, Process Automation, Chat Bots, Process Bots and Machine Learning – Winterhawk has developed a range of innovations for clients with SAP Risk solutions.

Introducing : SAP Risk Management as a Service

Get in touch

Let us help you with implementation and support for SAP Risk Management in your organisation – get in touch.