SAP : Industry Innovations

Enterprise Maturity

Evolving and strengthening risk management

Innovation via Artificial Intelligence (A.I,) Machine Learning (ML), Robotics (RPA)

Winterhawk began collaboration with SAP in 2019 with an aim to help organizations adopt A.I, ML, RPA advancements across their core business platforms, applications and processes.

Our aim is to create AI-enabled solutions and use cases that can enhance an organization’s investment in SAP technology by improving business performance and employee productivity.

Winterhawk will expand its capabilities in each of A.I,  ML and RPA, enhancing the way users interact with SAP applications.


  • Improve Governance and Regulatory Assurance
  • Streamline operations
  • Enhance customer experience
  • Drive sustainable growth
  • Build upon Winterhawks experience, helping organizations transform their businesses with SAP software

Technology Specific Goals

  • Embed A.I into industry-specific content (SAP FCM, SAP Process Control)
  • Leverage A.I to help customers accelerate from legacy SAP Systems
  • Auto generating of code, documentation, and test scripts
  • Built chatbot features (SAP Access Control, SAP Process Control, SAP Risk Management, SAP Audit Management)
  • Enhance Reporting and Analysis leveraging A.I and ML


Developing new business solutions for (focus) SAP Financial Compliance Management (SAP FCM) and (secondary) SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance (IAG).

A.I Vision

  • Make agile decisions, unlocking insights, and automated tasks with AI
  • Use AI that is trained on an industry and company data, accessible through SAP FCM
  • Run responsible AI built on leading ethics and data privacy standards while maintaining full governance and lifecycle management.

AI & ML – The Art of the Possible

  • Increase performance across a range of financial activities
  • Guard against fraud with AI-assisted anomaly detection
  • Simplify financial close with intelligent reconciliation
  • Build AI in SAP FCM with a library of content per industry
  • Manage AI processes in one central place
  • Deploy and run AI models at scale without compromising data privacy
  • Industry AI – Leverage A.I and ML to work in industry packaged content to manage complexity, overcome challenges, and modernize a business.
  • Automate and optimize complex industry processes
  • Stay ahead of the competition with predictive, data-driven practices
  • Disrupt disruption by enabling industry convergence
  • Achieve Process Automation & Continuous Control Monitoring

Development Example 1

Development Example 2

Development Example 3

Innovation & Development – Winterhawk, the early Innovators

This slide was presented by SAP at an event in Amsterdam in 2019 – showing our, then, early vision for the use of RPA.

Resolving challenges through Innovation

  • Repetitive manual work which can  be automated
  • Reduction in wait and activity  processing time
  • Interactive and Intuitive Process  and Chat Bots
  • Enable Machine Learning  and Artificial Intelligence features  in SAP Risk Solutions

Steve Hewison, CEO and Founder at Winterhawk said: “Over recent years we’ve seen the challenges clients are facing coming to terms with increasing regulatory requirements and expectations, including for example ESG reporting.

Cost is a major factor, coming off the back of several challenging COVID years, high inflation, recession, an energy crisis and spiking wage bills. Organizations are seeking value from their technology purchases more now than ever before, and they want to see a very clear ROI.

Data can be in so many different places within an organization, and then with suppliers you have a whole raft of different data and reporting challenges. Each industry has its own nuances and a myriad of individual regulations and standards which an organization needs to adhere to.

Our approach, is to build solutions, leveraging A.I, ML and Robotic to enable our customers to gain immediate value from SAP solutions, rather than having to build from the bottom up. Providing readymade industry specific packages, that provide both a technological advancement as well as an immediate acceleration value to clients of any size who are running SAP.”